Embedded System Design
Course Details :
Get specialized in one of the world’s most demanding areas…
After successful completion of this course students will be able to:
Specialize in Microcontroller Programming
Demonstrate the architecture of a Embedded System and Industry Automations
Explain core Embedded System concepts
Develop Embedded Applications by programming the PIC and Arduino Platforms
Write Embedded System programs for various Industry Automation Tasks
Explain the Embedded Systems Technology Stack and how each component relates to the other
Build, compose, document, publish and consume Embedded Applications
Explain the security issues and implementation issues in Embedded Systems
Build Autonomous Mobile Robots
Main course contents
Section 1: Introduction to Embedded Systems:Micro Controller Unit (MCU) based systems and design, Influence of high level computer programming languages with MCU design and prototyping, Interpreter and compiler interaction,Microchip’s PIC MCU overview, PIC 18F452/4550 where the input and output ports special function registers are discussed, Study of different types of systems (Ex: Safety critical systems, reactive systems, real-time systems, Feedback control systems – “P” and “PID” etc.), Modeling and simulation of SMD and RLC circuit models using Matlab,Variation of Embedded systems (Ex: Defense systems Vs Common applications).
Section 2 : MikroC / Arduino platforms for programming: Microcontroller Programming, Simple programs to blink LEDs, Develop the knowledge for recognizing signals and use the LCD units for information display, Analog to digital conversion (ADC), PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to drive dc/stepper (bi polar and uni/multi polar) motors, Control motion of servo motors, Digital Signal Pulse Counting, Communication with PC using UART and I2C.
Section 3: Sensors and actuators: Sensing and Sensors, Accuracy and precision, Resolution, range, sensitivity and linearity, calibration, frequency, noise, saturation, example sensors, analog and digital sensors, Use ultrasonic, infrared and photo sensors for obstacle, color detection. DC Motors, AC, Servo Motors & Other Actuators and their control aspects. PWM motor controlling. Use of interrupts for speed and direction control of Encoder motors. Digital Systems & Data Acquisition and DAQ architecture.Data realization based on Matlab and Simulink.
Section 4 : Intelligent decision making and programming techniques: Use of conditional statements if, if else and if else ladder for decision making.Use of loops (for, do while, while) for repetition tasks, use of conditional if statements and switch statements.
Section 5 : Sensor and control modules interfacing: MCU based interfacing of hardware and software. Intelligent decision making algorithms. Use of functional based decision making.
Section 6: Advanced C / Arduino programming: Use advance data structures in C and Arduino to interface with the advanced sensors like digital compass modules or gyro sensors.
Section 7: Practical project: AC interfacing with relays, transformers, optocouplers and the concept of VFD (Variable Frequency Drives) for industrial applications.Modeling VFDs using Simulink and Matlab. Small project initiation. This should be demonstrated by the students at the end of the lectures for evaluation purpose.
Study mode | Duration | Fee (non-EU) |
Venue | Request free info |
Part Time | Duration: 3 months (12 days), Sunday 1.00pm - 6.00pm | Rs. 29,500/= | University of Colombo | Send an email |